Industrial fermentation: its contribution to the bioeconomy and renewable chemistry

In 2021, the equivalent of 1.7 planets has been used to satisfy our production and consumption needs. Faced with these observations, many industrial sectors are reconsidering their methods in sourcing, production, or transport to develop more sustainable and sounder ecosystems.
Sustainable materials – strong corporate ambitions driving innovation

Numerous industrial groups are setting ambitious goals to reduce their environmental footprint. Most often, this involves reducing their GHG emissions, but some go further by aiming for 100% sustainable production.
The BioImpulse project gives new impetus to biotechnology in materials

The BioImpulse project, first presented in Brussels on 2 October 2019 at the EFIB (European Forum For Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy), aims to create a new adhesive resin without any of the so-called Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).